Please provide the following information by COB Friday 4 October 2019.

1. An electronic copy of your PowerPoint Presentation: Widescreen - 16:9. (Please remember to use the PowerPoint Template provided)

2. If playing a YouTube video, please provide the link and also include the link on a blank slide in your PowerPoint presentation.

All information to be provided to: P: +61 2 4267 2225

An updated version of your PowerPoint can be provided on the day of the Congress if any last-minute adjustments need to be made.


Please bring with you: A USB stick with a copy of your presentation and a copy of all video and audio files saved separately so they can be re-linked if required.

On first arrival: Come and say "hi" at the registration desk located on Level One in the Auditorium Foyer at the Lismore Workers Club to collect your name tag, program and satchel bag. We will tell you where you are presenting and introduce you to the AV contact who will make sure your presentation has been loaded correctly.

When presenting: Make sure you are at the room at least 15 minutes prior to your session commencing, 30 minutes if you have not already uploaded your presentation.


As part of our aim to promote excellence in rural health, the Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) will adjudicate all oral papers and offer one Award for Excellence and Innovation in Rural Health for an outstanding project/program presented at the Congress. This award, valued at $2,000, is designed to promote and highlight the value of innovation in clinical practice and will be awarded for use by the project team, at the discretion of their organisation, to help value-add to the project and contribute to sustainability. The winning project will also be showcased on the ACI Innovation Exchange.

The award will be announced during the closing ceremony of the Congress on Friday 18 October 2019. The award selection criteria is based on presentations which demonstrate:

  • An innovative approach to an existing issue
  • Resourcefulness and creativity in design, utilising existing resources
  • Sustainability through embedding the change within the organisation
  • Ability to be taken up by other health sectors     


As part of our aim to build research capability in rural Local Health Districts, the NSW Rural Health Research Alliance (RHRA) will adjudicate all oral papers and offer one Award for Best Rural Research for an outstanding project presented at the Congress. This award, valued at $2000, is designed to promote and highlight the value of research in the delivery of rural health services and will be awarded for use by the winning research team, at the discretion of their organisation, to support dissemination of their research findings. The winning presentation will be showcased on the NSW Rural Health Research Alliance website.

The award will be announced during the closing ceremony of the Congress on Friday 18 October 2019. The award selection is based on presentations which demonstrate:

  • Relevance and value of the problem
  • Innovation, creativity and originality
  • Study design, methodology and interpretation of findings
  • Partnerships and collaboration
  • Translation, transferability and sustainability


SIZE: Posters should be directly printed onto an ‘A0’ PORTRAIT SHEET - 841mm wide x 1189mm high. Posters larger than this will exceed the display board size. (Note: consider preparing the poster initially in an A4 format and then get a commercial copy centre to copy and resize to an A0 size)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Poster Presentations MUST be created in PORTRAIT format, ensuring they fit to the Poster Boards provided.

TITLE: We recommend the main poster title should be in 48pt or larger.

OTHER TEXT: Text in the body of the poster should be 22-26pt or larger.

CONTENT: Use these tips to help develop a great poster. The poster should:

  • Be a visual representation of your submitted abstract
  • Be self-explanatory in the event you are not there to explain the content
  • Include an introduction, body and a list of conclusions    
  • Make the flow of information explicit and easy for the eye to follow eg. organise the poster in columns running down the poster rather than in rows    
  • Use numbering and bulleting to highlight important points    
  • Use short sentences
  • Not be loaded with large amounts of data, methodology or reference lists    
  • Have short titles for each illustration     

POSTER COMPETITION: Each year the Congress Organising Committee acknowledges outstanding posters with 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. Judges use the criteria outlined above and the poster’s significance to improving health in rural communities.

HANDOUTS: We recommend authors to prepare articles or handouts to give to interested delegates. Alternatively have a sheet for people to submit their names and email address to send them a copy when they return home. You may also wish to provide your contact details, so those interested can follow up any queries they have at a later date.

DISPLAYING POSTERS: Posters will be displayed for the duration of the Congress. When registering at the registration table you will be given a number for your poster. Please locate the corresponding number on the poster boards and affix your poster to it. Please bring your own double-sided Velcro to attach posters to the poster board. Should you require assistance please see a member of staff at the Congress registration desk.

POSTER REMOVAL: All posters must be taken down by 1.00pm on Day 3 of the Congress.


  • On arrival, please check-in at the registration desk located on Level One in the Auditorium Foyer at the Lismore Workers Club to receive your allocated poster number
  • Posters will be on display from Wednesday 16 October until Friday 18 October 2019 for the duration of the 8th Rural Health & Research Congress at the Lismore Workers Club.
  • Presenters are requested to be next to their poster during Afternoon Tea on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 October 2019 for delegates to ask any questions in relation to the abstract being presented

Require further assistance? If you require more information on preparing your poster, please contact Catherine Helps on or +61 467 781 244 for assistance.